Anglican Rite
Holy Eucharist
Mass / Healing Rites
5 PM Holy Eucharist/Mass
Rite I - Spoken Service - No Hymns
10:00 AM Holy Eucharist/Mass
Rite II - With Hymns
If you have any questions please call St. Michael's Old Catholic Church at 727-270-7700
If you are feel sick or have a cough/fever,
Let's care for one another.
Bible Study Group
Women of the Bible Study
Wednesday @ 1:30pm
(subject to change)
Upcoming Events
Ash Wednesday March 5th 6:30pm
Holy Week April 14th - 18th
Easter Vigil April 19th 5pm
Easter Sunday April 20th, 2025 10am
St. Michael's Welcomes You!
We are a small Old Catholic - Anglican Rite church family in the Diocese of Florida of the Independent Old Catholic Church who joyfully loves Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We live our lives by loving our neighbor and striving to be faithful to the Holy Scriptures, always seeking God's forgiveness and the healing presence of the Holy Spirit.
We welcome ALL people who are sincerely searching for God because:
"The righteousness of God is through faith in Jesus Christ
to all who believe, since there is no distinction. For all have sinned
and fall short of the glory of God; they are justified freely by his grace
through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus."
- Romans 3:22-24 (CSB)
It does not matter where you are in life - what troubles your seen, what difficulties you've faced. Jesus Christ wants a relationship with you. We are here to help you with that.
You are welcome as you are:
Single, married, divorced, widowed, well-off or down-on-your-luck. We all are (or have been) one or more of these.
Intact families, single parent families and those with no family at all.
People who are lonely, hungry for hope, people searching for truth, people who have walked away from the church or from God. We all need the peace, mercy and love offered by Jesus.
Conservatives and liberals, tattooed and long-haired, three-piece suit or flip flops and shorts, you will be welcomed. We are not here to judge your personal style but to share Christ's love and redemption to you.
Snowbirds and pilgrims, locals and vacationers, seekers and skeptics, those who believe and those searching to believe.
We will reveal to you the Life and Light of the world: Jesus Christ. We will not judge you - instead we will honor your presence and welcome you with open arms. We strive to live by Christ's commandment:
"Love one another. Just as I have loved you,
you are also to love one another.
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples,
if you love one another."
- John 13:34-35 (CSB)
In His love, we welcome you!

St. Michael Old Catholic Church is the Cathedral Church of the Diocese of Florida of the Independent Old Catholic Church. The IOCC has clergy and churches throughout the US, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Europe. The Diocese of Florida is led by Bishop Steven M. Harris, D.D. The Primate of the IOCC is Archbishop George LeMesurier of Ottawa, Canada.

Our Patron Saint
St. Michael the Archangel
Oh glorious prince Saint Michael!
Guardian of souls.
Servant in the House of the Divine King
and our admirable Patron.
You who shine with excellence and superhuman virtue, deliver us from all evil,
who turn to you with confidence,
and enable us by your gracious protection,
to serve God more and more faithfully
every day.